SMSTC Working Seminar on Finite Dimensional Algebras

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The seminar will run 9–11am on Tuesdays from 6th October 2015. There will be 10 sessions, and all will take place in the video conferencing SMSTC facilities (e.g. JCMB 5323 in Edinburgh). All students, postdocs and faculty throughout Scotland are invited to attend. Talks will be given by participants, and will be assigned in advance.

The syllabus is FD Algebra Working Seminar Syllabus.

All participants should register via the SMSTC web site This is not one of the standard SMSTC courses, but some departments may allow students to take this seminar for credit, and students must seek approval for that from their own institution. Assessment will include giving a short talk as part of the seminar, and the production of some of the course notes (in LaTeX). If your institution agrees, please email both Michael Wemyss ( and Martin Kalck ( as soon as possible so we can plan the schedule of talks.

Following the above syllabus, the preliminary assignment of speakers is:

October 6th | Martin Kalck | Introduction. Notes.
| Gwyn Bellamy | Introduction to quiver representations. Notes.
| Laura Vetter | Quiver representations in type A. Slides.

October 13th | Michael Wemyss | AR Duality. Notes.
| Jenny August | Existence of AR sequences. Notes. Slides.

October 20th | Sjoerd Beentjes | AR quivers
Jenny August | Examples of AR quivers

October 27th | Matt Booth | Introduction to Morita theory. Notes.
Simon Crawford | From finite dimensional algebras to quiver representations. Notes.

November 3 | TBA | Tilting theory.
TBA | \tau-Tilting theory.

November 10th | Tomasz Przezdziecki | Quasi-hereditary algebras Notes.

November 17th | Tim Weelinck | The strong no loops conjecture Notes.

December 1st| Špela Špenko | Finiteness of representation dimension