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Algebra and Representation Theory in the North

We are the universities of Aberdeen, Belfast, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Heriot-Watt, Lancaster, Leicester, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Sheffield, and York. We are funded by the London Mathematical Society and the Glasgow Mathematical Journal Trust.

If you would like to subscribe to the ARTIN mailing list, please send an email to, with subject line: “subscribe artin first_name last_name”.

ARTIN meetings are sponsored by the London Mathematical Society, by the Glasgow Mathematical Journal Trust and by the Isaac Newton Institute, EPSRC grant (Ref: EP/V521929/1).

If you have any other questions about ARTIN, are interested in organizing a meeting, or would like to forward an announcement to the list, please contact the network organizer, David Jordan, at

Upcoming meetings:

  • ARTIN Summer School September TBD.
  • ARTIN in Newcastle Sept 12-13 2024.
  • ARTIN in Leeds Dec 16-19 2024.
Past meetings: