Hodge seminars

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We have revamped the structure of the Hodge Institute seminars post-pandemic.

The calendar can be found below.

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The morning seminars are considered specialist.  While speakers should still aim to make the talks accessible to graduate students in each respective branch of Hodge, they are less bound than in the afternoon seminars to appeal to a broad audience.  Below you will find the schedule of talks in the Algebra seminar, Geometry seminar, and Category Theory seminar.  These are all in Bayes 5.46 Wednesday mornings.

We are also running the Hodge seminar on alternating weeks with the EMPG seminar on Wednesday afternoons.  The Hodge seminar (2-3pm) is for colloquium style talks, with the expectation that talks will be accessible to all PhD students from all areas of the Hodge group, in particular the first 30 minutes out of 50. The Hodge seminar will be preceded by the PG pre-seminar (1:30-2pm) consisting of a half-hour introductory lecture given by one of our PhD students, aimed at the other students, and with a lunch provided beforehand.

Separately, the Hodge Club seminar for graduate students and postdocs runs on Fridays.

Heriot-Watt runs on Wednesday afternoons the MAXIMALS seminar in algebra. Please see their complete calendar just below the combined Hodge calendar.

Finally, in autumn 2024, the AGATE seminar on applied algebra, geometry and topology is also running on Wednesday afternoons. The calendar can be found below.

If you have any questions about the Hodge group seminars, please do not hesitate to contact the individual organisers for the seminars (listed below) or our seminar group coordinator. 

Here is the combined calendar of events:

Scroll down to see individual calendars.  Click a talk to see an abstract (if yet submitted).

Heriot-Watt MAXIMALS seminar, Wednesdays 3-4pm, location varies

This is the algebra seminar of Heriot-Watt, which is often of interest to attendees of the Hodge seminars, but is organised independently from them.

Algebra seminar, Wednesdays 9:30-10:30am in Bayes 5.46

Our algebra seminar is organised by Mikhail Bershtein, Jenny Brown, Nitin Chidambaram, and Sasha Shapiro.

EDGE Geometry Seminar, Wednesdays 10:50-11:50 in Bayes 5.46

The EDGE seminar is organised by Ben Davison, Ilaria di Dedda, Giulia Gugiatti, Milena Hering, Jeff Hicks, and Nick Sheridan.

Category Theory seminar, Wednesdays 12-1pm in Bayes 5.46

Category Theory seminar is organised by Adrián Doña Mateo and Tom Leinster.

Hodge seminar, Wednesdays 2-3pm

Our Hodge Seminar is organised by Ben Davison and Sasha Shapiro. Before the seminar, a PhD student typically gives a pre-talk. The pre-talk is organised by Diana Bergerová and Joseph Malbon.

Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group (EMPG) seminar:

AGATE seminar, Wednesdays 3pm-4pm

In autumn 2024, AGATE seminar (Applied Geometry, Algebra, and Topology in Edinburgh) is being organised by Sjoerd Beentjes, Darrick Lee, and Emily Roff.

John Baez’s “This Week’s Finds” seminar

In 2022 and 2023 we were extremely fortunate to host John Baez’s This Weeks Finds seminar, a revival of his classic seminar/blog series.