Reading Course on Deformation Theory

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Spring 2017

In the Spring Semester of 2017 we are holding an informal reading seminar on deformation theory. We will use two main sources, course notes by Mike Artin for a graduate course on deformation theory held at MIT in 1996, and the book Deformations of Algebraic Schemes by Sernesi.

Participants will take turns presenting selected material from these books.

The seminar will take place in JCMB 5326 on Wednesdays, 4:30-5:30 PM during the semester.

The tentative outline is as follows:

25 JanuaryArtin, Sections 1-8Alice Rizzardo
1 FebruaryArtin, Sections 9 + 13-15Sue Sierra
7 February in JCMB 4325AArtin, Sections 16-20Jenny August
15 February(Versal) deformations of a fat point (Artin Section 18)Matt Booth
22 FebruaryNo Lecture
1 MarchSernesi, Chapter 1 (Kodaira-Spencer theory)Johan Martens
8 MarchSernesi, Sections 2.1-2.3 (Formal deformation theory and Schlessinger’s theorem)Matt Booth
15 MarchSernesi, Section 2.4Sjoerd Beentjes
22 MarchSernesi, Section 2.5+2.6Roberto Fringuelli
29 MarchSernesi, Example from Chapter 3Tim Weelinck
5 Aprilthe Hilbert Scheme (out of Sernesi, Chapter 4)Trang Nguyen
(12 April?)Deformations of singularities (following Hartshorne)Fatemeh Razaee

References used:

The seminar is coordinated by Johan Martens. All are welcome to attend. If you want to be included in the mailing list please email